Real Estate Statistics for the area of Greenville, SC for August 2009

Cumulative historical statistics.
Single family/ Condo / Townhouse on the market as of August 10 th, 2009

Real Estate Statistic 8/2009

Real Estate Statistic 8/2009

Based on information from the Multiple Listing Service of Greenville, South Carolina, Inc.
Source: MLS / Greenville

12 Month Average is a rolling average based on the last 12 months reported sold. Percentage difference is compared to current month.

While representative of the market activity, these figures may not include all sales brokered by Member firms, and should not be viewed as all inclusive of sales transacted within the reference time periods.

©2009 – Greater Greenville Association of REALTORS®

© Flavia Westerwelle

TransDomo,LLC / ShellTree Realty
Flavia & Klaus Westerwelle
Phone: 864.908.0690
Photos from Greenville, SC

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Eingeordnet unter Amerika, Greenville, Greenville Informationen, Immobilien, Immobilienmakler, Immobilienmarkt, real estate, real estate agent, South Carolina, USA

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