Schlagwort-Archive: wind

Energy-saving home improvements could cut your taxes.

Make energy efficiency changes in your home and you might be able to cut your 2009 tax bill at the same time.

The 2009 tax law signed in February expanded energy tax credits in order to encourage homeowners to make improvements that will make their homes more energy-efficient and save money over the long run.

Qualifying improvements – such as adding insulation, energy-efficient exterior windows, and energy-efficient heating and air conditioning systems – could cut your taxes. Previously the credit for energy improvements was 10% of the cost, with a $500 lifetime limit. The new law increases the credit to 30%, with a $1,500 limit.

The new law also eliminates the cap on the 30% tax credit for alternative energy equipment, such as solar water heaters and geothermal heat pumps installed in homes.

Solar Panel

Solar Panel

Energy Star


© Flavia Westerwelle

Klaus Westerwelle
33 Market Point Drive
Greenville, SC 29607
Phone: 864.908.0690
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Eingeordnet unter Amerika, Immobilien, News, real estate, Steuer, Tax, USA